"Offers & Messaging That Converts 5 Day Challenge" Presented By Chuck Chiodo & Jeffrey Klubeck

"Offers & Messaging That Converts" 
Presented By Chuck Chiodo & Jeff Klubeck

Unlock the Winning Formula:

Learn the Proven Framework 7-Figure Entrepreneurs Utilize for Crafting 
Marketing Messages and Offers That Convert Into High-Ticket Clients!"


Shorten Your Sales Cycle

With Less Time / Frustration?

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Discover proven "Offers & Messaging That Converts" strategies.  This training has been reserved in the past for my high ticket clients

Unlock the Winning Formula:
Learn the Proven Framework 
7-Figure Entrepreneurs Utilize 
for Crafting Marketing Messaging & Offers That Convert Into 
High-Ticket Clients!


Shorten Your Sales Cycle

With Less Time / Frustration?

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

ON JANUARY 8th, 2024

Discover proven "Offers & Messaging That Converts" strategies. This training has been reserved in the past 
for our  high ticket clients

live training starting on JANUARY 8th 2024

discover the sales & Marketing secrets that successfull 
marketers & entrepreneurs use to skyrocket the results of their marketing


Would more sales in less time help grow your business?

Do you struggle with generating enough new opportunities with qualified prospects?

Do you often times find yourself talking with people that don't really understand what you do, or the value of what you are offering?  

Do many of those meetings result in..."let me think about it?"

If so, then you're going to LOVE the "Offers & Messaging That Converts" 5-Day Challenge.  Learn how successful entrepreneurs structure their marketing messaging and create offers that generate quality opportunities and generate more high-ticket sales with less effort.

My name is Chuck Chiodo

This is my personal invite for you to join something I call the "Offers & Messaging That Converts 5 Day Challenge".

If you answered "YES" to any of the questions above, then I know something about you...

You have the desire to do BIG THINGS...

You have a story and a message that needs to be heard...
You just need to improve the way you construct your marketing messaging so you can attract your ideal clients and get more of the right people to say "YES" to your offer. 

Join this challenge and learn a proven framework that will significantly enhance your marketing results and improve your communication during in-person sales meetings or networking events.

But, a few simple things are holding you back... and it isn't happening as quickly as you'd like.


Live Training Starts on January 8th, 2024

Here's the TRUTH:

After working with entrepreneurs, as well as companies with over $30M in revenues, I have found that they all have one thing in common....

Most of them struggle with effectively communicating who they are, what they do, the problems they solve and how they are different from the competition.

As a result, they are frustrated because they are not generating enough opportunities. 

They are often confused about what marketing strategies they should be using.
The reality is that it frequently boils down to improving their marketing messaging and creating better offers. 
That will result in those prospects taking the desired action.

Improve YOUR messaging.....And you WILL see more offers convert and an increase in sales!
Me, personally? Between my own businesses and my clients, I have generated Millions in revenue utilizing these same strategies. I have helped many other companies over the years. 

This framework and my systems & processes work so well, I get hired on a regular basis by other marketing companies across the country to help their clients with their marketing campaigns to significantly improve the results and increase their sales utilizing the same framework we will cover in this challenge.
Jeffrey Klubeck has helped thousands of clients across the country with leadership, motivation & accountability coaching.  He has been a guest speaker in over 15 countries.  Merging all his experiences and skills together has allowed Jeffrey to work with leading organizations around the globe including: State Farm, Farmers Insurance, JP Morgan Chase, Brian Tracy International and San Diego State University.
A HUGE BENEFIT to you is that these strategies/tactics can be applied to your online marketing AND when presenting to a group AND when having a one on one conversation with a potential client.  When you do, you will see the opportunities and sales start to flow…on a regular basis!

It took me many years of learning from some of the top marketers and sales trainers in the country.  Then a ton of relentless testing to finally create this framework. Some things worked and things did not work so well.  
Let me help YOU shortcut the learning curve and starting getting better results faster.

High-Quality clients pay me up to $15,000 or more for me to design and implement marketing strategies for them using this framework. 

Best Part?

My current sales & marketing process helps my clients bring in new qualified clients every month. Now, I want to help you do the same...

In Less Than 5 Days You'll Have Your Marketing Messaging 
and Offer Structure READY...

Each Day I Will Coach You On...


Take The Challenge to Create

A Marketing Process That Generates Results

Challenge your idea of what's possible and skip years of struggle.


5 Day Commitment and Participation

1-2 hrs per day for 5 days. Accomplish a result each day.

Final Result

A Proven Framework for  Messaging & Offers

Level up by making more perfect high ticket offers quickly by the end of class.

This Class Is For

Entrepreneurs, Coaches & Consultants

Intermediate or advanced, this class will help to explode your business.

Click On The Images to Play Testimonial Videos Below

Client Testimonial - Martin Obiozor
Martin Obiozor - Empowered Pulse
Client Testimonial - Patty Blakesley
Patty Blakesley - Inner Business Coach
Steve Oakes - Digital Marketing Director
All Ways Unique, Inc.
"I was impressed by the attention to detail that Chuck was able to demonstrate when working on a project together. His insights into buyer strategies and marketing was outstanding."

But, a few simple things are holding you back... and it isn't happening as quickly as you'd like.


Here's the TRUTH:

After working with entrepreneurs, as well as companies with over $30M in revenues, I have found that they all have one thing in common....

Most of them struggle with effectively communicating who they are, what they do, the problems they solve and how they are different from the competition.

As a result, they are frustrated because they are not generating enough opportunities.

They are often confused about what marketing strategies they should be using.

The reality is that it usually boils down to improving their marketing messaging and creating better offers that will result in those prospects taking the desired action.

If YOU do that.....YOU will see more offers convert and an increase in sales!
Me, personally? Between my own businesses and my clients, I have generated Millions in revenue utilizing these same strategies. I have helped many other companies over the years.

This framework and my systems & processes work so well, I get hired on a regular basis by other marketing companies across the country to help their clients with their marketing campaigns to significantly improve the results and increase their sales utilizing the same framework we will cover in this challenge.
A HUGE BENEFIT to you is that these strategies/tactics can be applied to your online marketing AND when presenting to a group AND when having a one on one conversation with a potential client. If you do, you will see the opportunities and sales start to flow…on a regular basis!

It took me many years of learning from some of the top marketers and sales trainers in the country. Then a ton of relentless testing to finally create this framework. Some things worked and things did not work so well.

Let me help YOU shortcut the learning curve and starting getting better results faster.

High-Quality clients pay me up to $15,000 or more for me to design and implement marketing strategies for them using this framework.

My current sales & marketing process helps my clients bring in new qualified clients every month. Now, I want to help you do the same...

In Less Than 5 Days You'll Have 
Your Marketing Messaging & Offer Structure READY...

Each Day I Will Coach You On...


Take The Challenge to Create

A Marketing Process That Generates Results

Challenge your idea of what's possible and skip years of struggle.


5 Day Commitment and Participation

1-2 hrs per day for 5 days. Accomplish a result each day.

Final Result

A Proven Framework for Messaging & Offers

Level up by making more perfect high ticket offers quickly by the end of class.

This Class Is For

Entrepreneurs, Coaches & Consultants

Intermediate or advanced, this class will explode your business.

Click On The Videos Below To Hear From Past Clients

Steve Oakes - Digital Marketing Director All Ways Unique, Inc.
"I was impressed by the attention to detail that Chuck was able to demonstrate when working on a project together. His insights into buyer strategies and marketing was outstanding."
5 Days To Change Your Business
Over the course of these 5 days you will discover proven strategies that will help you identify your ideal client, clearly define the problem you solve and how to differentiate yourself from the competition.  You will also have an effective framework to develop offers that get people to take action.
Challenge includes in-depth training sessions, projects, Q & A  and feedback sessions.
Day 1: Avoid #1 Mistake of Client Acquisition
On the first day, you will understand the overview of my "Offers & Messaging That Converts" framework you can begin using NOW.
  • Discover the TRUTH behind the simplest way to increase your sales / client acquisition that the gurus aren't sharing
  • ​What the most common client acquisition mistakes are and how to avoid them
  • How to identify your "Ideal Client", which will help to increase the effectiveness of your sale & marketing efforts
  • Key strategies / tactics / resources critical to your success
  • Introduction to the Structural Integrity model and how it can help your business
Clearly identify your "Ideal Client" that will buy from you
You will leave this training with the ability to CLEARLY explain the problem you solve to prospects in a way that will motivate them to take action
Day 2: How To Consistently Attract Your Ideal Client
On the second day, you will discover THE PROVEN FRAMEWORK for marketing messaging and how to communicate more effectively
  • Learn my #1 sales strategy that has outperformed all the rest over the last 5 years of my online/offline sales efforts.
  • ​Discover what you are really selling.  It may not be what you think!
  • How to deliver your marketing message in an effective and compelling way that will attract your ideal prospects.
  • How to communicate the real problem you solve to your prospects so they truly understand the benefits of you are offering 
  • Discover the "Marketplace + Promises" Formula for Branding (Part 1)
Day 3: Offer & Pricing Strategies That Convert
On the third day, you will learn how to create a high ticket offer that will get your prospects to take action
  • ​A proven structure for creating irresistible /  compelling offers
  • Learn what pricing structures work best and which do not
  • ​Why you need a high ticket offer & Why your prospects actually want a high ticket offer
  • Learn how your lower-priced offer can actually repel your ideal clients
  • ​The 5 P's - Common issues that hold coaches / consultants / entrepreneurs back from charging what they are worth
​You will be able to define your offer & pricing strategy that will attract more of your ideal clients and generate an increase your revenues
You will learn how to get in front of more qualified prospects, grow your audience and build your list
Day 4: How to Grow Your Audience& Fill Your Events
On the fourth day, you will learn strategies to attract more of your ideal clients.
  • Practical tactics to grow your audience 
  • ​How to generate more leads and get more people to your events with a "Personal Profile Funnel"
  • Strategies to get in front of hundreds of new prospects every month without spending money on ads
  • My application funnel overview
  • ​How to break through the noise and differentiate yourself from the competition - Formula for Branding (Part 2)
Day 5: How To Convert More Prospects Into Paying Clients
On the fifth day, you will learn proven conversion strategies that will get more people (Who you actually want to work with you) to become clients and raving fans
  • ​How to get prospects to sell themselves (No hard closes. or pushy sales tactics)
  • ​Overcoming common objections 
  • ​The one thing that ALWAYS creates more of a connection with your potential clients
  • ​How to create true urgency / scarcity without sounding like a used car salesman
  • Advanced sales psychology:  Logical and emotional reasons people actually buy - You will be surprised
You will learn proven strategies and methodology that will increase the number of qualified prospects who say "YES" to your high-ticket offer
5 Days To Change Your Business
Over the course of these 5 days you will discover proven strategies that will help you identify your ideal client, clearly define the problem you solve and how to differentiate yourself from the competition. You will also have an effective framework to develop offers that get people to take action.
Challenge includes in depth training sessions, projects, Q & A  and feedback sessions.
Day 1: Avoid #1 Mistake of Client Acquisition
On the first day, you will understand the overview of my "Offers & Messaging That Converts" framework you can begin using NOW.
  • Discover the TRUTH behind the simplest way to increase your sales / client acquisition that the gurus aren't sharing
  • ​What the most common client acquisition mistakes are and how to avoid them
  • How to identify your "Ideal Client", which will help to increase the effectiveness of your sale & marketing efforts
  • Key strategies / tactics / resources critical to your success
  • Introduction to the Structural Integrity model and how it can help your business
Uncomplicate your sales process and learn to make more sales without running ads or getting on sales calls.
Day 2: Understanding Sales Stages & How To Communicate at Each Level
On the second day, you will discover the 3 metrics to run your business by and how to communicate effectively.
  • Learn my #1 sales strategy that has out performed all the rest over the last 2 years of my online sales efforts.
  • ​Determine your "sales stages" and and understand the goal behind each one.
  • How to deliver your sales message using an effective, automated, and time saving sales system.
  • ​Get my "7 Figure Sales Scripts" to communicate effectively at every stage of the sales process.
  • Discover the 3 Metrics that your business is missing right now.
You will leave this training with your sales stages mapped out with your own "7 Figure Sales Scripts" framework.
Day 3: What It Takes To Go From 6 to 7 Figures
On the third day, you will learn the strategic and technical setup of your "7-Figure Sales System".
  • ​The "Secret Weapon" that has saved me hundreds of hours of time and payroll.
  • The tools and resources you will need to build out your "7 Figure Sales System".
  • ​How to automate your and outsource your "Daily 7" tasks.
  • 5 ways to find targeted leads 100% organically.
  • My "Conversion Hacks" framework to optimize your system for conversions. 
​You’ll create your own "7 Figure Sales System" that attracts, nurtures, and converts your leads into customers. 
Day 4: Filter Out The Tire Kickers & Time Wasters
On the fourth day, you will get my step by step process to repel tire kickers and attract ideal clients.
  • The best content examples you can create to attract your ideal audience and get them to "opt-in". 
  • ​The 15 questions you need to ask every potential client that will allow you to use their own words to enroll themselves.
  • How I generate 100s of qualified application each and every month.
  • My application funnel overview and template.
  • Automating your lead flow and follow up process.
  • ​How to improve your bottom line by 15-20% so you can keep more of your profits.  
Create your own application funnel using my template and automate the entire process. 
Day 5: How To Enroll One To Many
On the fifth day, you will learn the exact growth strategies I am using to expand my reach online one to many so you can do the same.
  • ​How to repurpose your message and content to cast a wide net for your leads to FIND YOU instead of your finding them.
  • ​Planning and hosting your first or next virtual event at attract your ideal customers. 
  • ​Increase your live attendance & keep an audience engaged.
  • ​The exact framework that brings in over 75% of our revenue without ever having to get on any sales calls.
  • "Your next move" once you have your processes dialed in so you can scale to the next level.
Plan and build your next virtual event with my step by step checklist and "7 Figure Sales Secrets". 

Chuck Chiodo

Digital Marketing Consultant / Consultant

What's Up Everybody
I'm Chuck Chiodo, and my mission is to help entrepreneurs achieve better marketing results without the hassle of wasting time and money on trial and error.

In the past, I went through the frustration of trying various marketing companies, all offering cookie-cutter solutions and empty promises. I decided to become the expert, investing heavily in learning essential marketing skills and strategies. 

Now, I work with entrepreneurs and companies across the country to help them implement effective marketing campaigns that actually generate the results they are looking for.

My clients benefit from my expertise by avoiding the steep learning curve and costly mistakes. I have developed a proven process that helps my client improve their marketing messaging and create better offers that actually convert.

I've honed my processes to such a degree that I'm frequently sought after by other marketing companies nationwide to assist their clients. I want to share this proven framework with you, so you can save time and money while achieving outstanding marketing results.

Jeff Klubeck

Professional Business Coach / Professor

Extra Bonus

We Will Have A Very Special Guest As My Co-Host During This 
5 Day Challenge!

Coach Jefferey Klubeck will be sharing valuable lessons from content he teaches to high level coaches / consultants and executives across the country.

Hi Everybody!
I'm Jeffrey Klubeck, a Professor of Communication with over 20 years of experience teaching Public Speaking, Critical Thinking, and Group Interaction to adult learners at the college level. 

Throughout my career, I've been passionately committed to helping thousands of adult learners enhance their critical thinking, speaking, writing, and listening skills.
In addition to my extensive background in education, I also possess nearly a decade of practical experience in strategic staffing, having worked as both an agency and human resources recruiter.

My core expertise, however, lies in world-class coaching, whether it's for business or personal growth. I received my education as a Professional Coach through the Trainings of JTS Advisors and have continuously committed to professional development, allowing me to master transformative, strategic problem-solving techniques and provide honest and powerful accountability to achieve effectiveness.

With this knowledge, I am well-equipped to offer training and guidance in various areas, including presentation skills, interpersonal communications, persuasive communications, workplace communications, sales training, strategic staffing, critical thinking, behavioral assessments, team building, leadership, goal setting, and professional speaking. Through my coaching expertise, I can help you strengthen or develop any of these areas, ultimately yielding driven, focused, and productive results.
5 days- ONLY One Hour Per Day - "TAKE ACTION" Oriented
Spend 5 Days with Chuck Chiodo & Jeffrey Klubeck and get the kick in the butt you need to create your Improved Marketing Strategies & Critical Business Skills NOW!  

You won't leave this challenge just feeling good, you could leave it with a marketing system that will attract, nurture, & convert leads!

This Stuff Actually Gets Results!

Brooke generated over $10K in 30 days inside our program!

Gary generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

Sami generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

5 days- One Hour Per Day- "TAKE ACTION" Oriented
Spend 5 Days with Chuck Chiodo & Jeffrey Klubeck and get the kick in the butt you need to create your Improved Marketing Strategies & Critical Business Skills NOW!

You won't leave this challenge just feeling good, you could leave it with a marketing system that will attract, nurture, & convert leads!

This Stuff Actually Gets Results!

Brooke generated over $10K in 30 days inside our program!

Gary generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

Sami generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

still have questions? here are some answers
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who is this 5 day event for?
Coaches / Consultants / Entrepreneurs who feel stagnate with their online leads and sales. People with products and services they would like to sell more of and work with better clients without having to invest years and significant amounts of money to learn how to do it on their own.
Q: Who is this event NOT for?
People who are looking for an "easy way", a template, share funnel, or "secret formula". This is also NOT for business opportunity seekers or people who want easy money. It's not a shiny object to let dust collect on, you MUST participate in the challenge because ALL the recordings disappear on Saturday at midnight.  If you are not serious about your business, please don't waste your money or our time. 

This challenge is also not for people just starting out, have no existing clients and are not currently investing in any online marketing.
Q: How much is the live event?
There are 2 ways to participate in "Offers & Messaging That Converts" 5 Day Challenge. The General Admission Experience is only $47 $7 and the VIP Experience is only $47 for the exclusive VIP ticket Zoom post-event Q&A and VIP Coaching with Chuck Chiodo and Jeff Klubeck where they can go into your exact situation and provide valuable input.
Q: How is this different than your other courses or free content on offers?
We have never done this before.  This information is usually reserved for our high end Masterminds and private high ticket clients 
Q: Are the challenge classes live?
Yes, classes will be live and recorded, but you won't be able to purchase the recordings. You will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for each day, by the end of the day. Limited-time recordings will be posted in the Facebook group (the final recording will be live in the Facebook group until Friday at 11:59pm EST. At that time they will be permanently removed.   However, people who upgrade to the VIP Experience will get lifetime access to the recordings.
Q: How is this different from a webinar?
Webinars are not dead. However, I don't know about you, but all the energy that goes into running a live or evergreen webinar just to get a 3-5% conversion rate, which is considered a great conversion for these types of events, is just a waste of energy in our opinion. By going through this 5-Day Challenge and watching not only what Chuck & Jeff are doing but HOW they are doing this, will help you understand why and how this model works so much better than a 90-minute webinar model. Not only that, but a 5-Day Challenge is a filter to only bring people who are serious about taking their business to the next level. It will sift out freebie seekers and unmotivated customers.  We are bringing a ton of value and experience.  A challenge gives us more time to provide more value to the attendees. 
Q: How does the 5 day challenge work?
Each day we will have the general session at 2pm EST. Following the daily live, we will have a 1 hour VIP Q&A and coaching session starting at 3pm EST. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the daily tasks and ask questions in the Facebook Group.
Q: Will I get direct feedback from Chuck and Jeff?
Yes, if you have the VIP Experience you will have live Q & A' s daily where you can ask anything covered in the challenge.  You will also have the opportunity to get direct feedback from Chuck and Jeff.  If you have General Admission you will have the ability to listen to the main presentations, but not to ask questions in the extra Q&A / coaching sessions. However, most of your questions will more than likely be covered. 
still have questions? here are some answers
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Who is this 5 day class for?
Entrepreneurs who feel stagnate with their online leads and sales. Affiliate Marketers, Coaches, Course Creators and DFY providers with products and services they would like to sell more of and work with better clients without spending money on ads using an automated system to generate more organic leads.
Q: Who is this class not for?
People who are looking for an "easy way", a template, share funnel, or "secret formula". This is also NOT for business opportunity seekers or people that want easy money. It's not a shiny object to let dust collect on, you MUST go through the challenge because ALL the recordings disappear on day 6.  If you are not serious about your business, please don't waste your money or our time. 
Q: How much is the live class?
There are 2 ways to participate in "Offers & Messaging That Converts" 5 Day Challenge. The General Admission Experience is only $47 $7 and the VIP Experience is only $97 $47 for the exclusive VIP ticket Zoom post-event Q&A and VIP Coaching with Chuck Chiodo and Jeff Klubeck where they can go into your exact situation and provide valuable input.
Q: How is this different than your courses or free content on offers?
I've never done this before, except for my high end Mastermind. This is all new content and frameworks. 
Q: Are the challenge classes live?
Yes, classes will be live and recorded, but you won't be able to purchase the recordings. You will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for each day, by the end of the day. Limited time recordings will be posted in the Facebook group (the final recording will be live in the Facebook group until Friday at 11:59pm EST. At that time they will be permanently removed. 
Q: How does the 5 day challenge work?
Each day we will have the general session at 2pm EST. Following the daily live, we will have a VIP Q&A and coaching session at 3pm EST. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the daily tasks and ask questions in the Facebook Group each evening should you have any.
Q: Will I get direct feedback from Doug?
Yes, if you have the VIP Experience you will have live Q & A' s daily where you can ask anything covered in the challenge. If you have General Admission you will have the ability to listen to the Q&A but not to ask questions directly. But your questions will more than likely be asked by someone in the VIP Experience. 

10X Your Profit While Cutting Your Time in Half. Create/Refine Your Marketing Strategy Starting Today! 

All Earnings and income representations are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of First Contact Marketing, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the First Contact Marketing Programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.  Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice.

The First Contact Marketing Programs, are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the First Contact Marketing Programs are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms of Service for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions. 

This site is not a part of the Google/Facebook/Meta website or Google/Facebook Inc/Meta. Additionally, this site NOT endorsed by or affiliated with Google/Facebook/Meta in any way. GOOGLE/FACEBOOK/META is a trademark of GOOGLE/FACEBOOK, Inc./Meta

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